• US 22 Hwy Project

    US 22 Hwy Project

    The Wisconsin DOT is planning on a major project to renew Highway 22 through the City of Gillett. This will be a time that we, as the community and as the chamber, need to prepare ourselves for the impacts that will create for us and our commerce. The Wisconsin DOT does offer some planning resources to help us in this and prepare us for this time. As a Chamber, we plan to work with all our members to ensure that the impact that this will have will be minimized.

    Wisconsin Department of Transportation WIS 22 Reconstruction – City of Gillett (wisconsindot.gov)

    At the above site, you can find all the information that has been provided about the project.

    Wisconsin Department of Transportation In This Together (wisconsindot.gov)

    The next provided link is the In This Together workbook and links to assist in ideas to make sure that signage is provided that will direct people via alternative routes into the City of Gillett for business.

    As more information is provided, we will try to keep all members updated, and if there are any concerns we will be your advocates in making sure that all of our concerns are being addressed.

  • Promotions Page

    Promotions Page

    Here, we will offer a means by which our members may post special promotions.

  • New Member Welcome Page

    A space to allow new members to introduce themselves to us!

  • Member Spotlight

    Here we will give a member spotlight for our members to share about their business!

  • Monthly Membership Meetings

    Monthly Membership Meetings

    Keep abreast of what was covered in the Member Meeting Minutes!

  • What's Going On!

    What's Going On!

    Here we will keep you up-to-date on all that is happening in our community!

  • October 2, 2023

    October 2, 2023

    County board seeks solar energy changes | NEW Media Inc.
    Energy changes coming to our county

    Challenges and Opportunities for Small Business Owners in 2023 | U.S. Chamber of Commerce
    The Importance of Small Business

    Green Bay area senior housing project includes expanded library site
    What is going on in communities near us

    Wisconsin home sales: Milwaukee, Appleton lead August inventory gains
    Changes in the Local Housing Market